Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Of course!

Cycle 11, CD 24

I seriously am ready to scream! The one month that I finally have a plan to move forward with next month, O is NOWHERE in sight! I've had high readings on my CBEFM since CD 13 and still no peak! Still have fertile CM so I'd have to believe that I didn't miss it somehow. I'm just so frustrated! Maybe it's a blessing in disguise though because DH has been so stressed with school that finding time that we're both home and awake has been challenging. *sigh*

So I guess for now I'm going to get back to basics and work at being healthier. I think I'm going to take advantage of the Weight Watchers special running right now and join again. I've done online before with some success but I've not tried meetings before. And I need to get out my walking shoes again. My sister and sister-in-law want to do a 5K in the Magic Kingdom in March and I totally want to join them. I'm not worried about finishing - I know I can do 5K but there is a pace requirement of 16 miles per hour. That's not terribly challenging but I've been neglecting my exercise for long enough that it would be a little difficult to stick to that.

And now back to waiting....*sigh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey!! I'm so behind....just got caught up on your posts, though. I'm so excited that you have a PLAN now! Yay!! I really, really hope that the clomid IS your golden ticket. Here's hoping you O soon so you can move into the new plan!
