Thursday, July 16, 2009


Cycle 9, CD 23

It still hasn't happened yet. I go to bed every night thinking "Maybe it'll be tomorrow" but so far, nada. I had a positive OPK on CD 17 which seemed to be the norm for me. But then nothing! No temp shift and I still kept having fertile CM. So I kept testing. I went through the whole OPK pack without another positive. Finally I lied to my new CBEFM about my cycle day so I could start using that. It gave me a peak reading today and I had a huge temp dip. I suspect I might have been sleeping with my mouth open a bit.

My other frustration is DH himself. He was fantastically supportive and tried SO hard last week when I got my +OPK. He's gotten an odd case of stage fright around O since we've started trying. But he can't seem to grasp that I didn't O when I thought I would. His attitude TOTALLY did a 180 and the other night, well, he might as well have flipped the bird right in my face with the way he was acting. So needless to say, we haven't kept up with the BDing. I'm so torn because I'm seriously upset with him but is it worth throwing another cycle for? Urgh!

To compound matters I'm working a lot of hours lately. Like a lot. Today is the half way point in an 8 day stretch. I have some vacation time next week and I cannot WAIT!

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