Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Guess We're Even

I just got home from a rather long shift and well, work week for me (my "weekends" are Tuesdays and Wednesdays typically) to find the first status update in my news feed was from someone I went to high school with spouting off about how she could care less about people's Farmville crap. I'll admit, I play. Guilty. I enjoy some mindless entertainment.

I find it interesting that she'd rather bitch about it than just hide the app from her news feed. But I guess that makes us even because I really don't give a shit about the boring crap her kids are doing OR the brainless things she and her moron husband do when they're drunk with said kids in the apartment. Oh yes, and then let's tell the world about it on Facebook - complete with pictures! Parents of the world folks.

Yeah, I'm tired. And bitchy. Oh well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ugh. I hate people like that. If you're ever bored and want to laugh about what stupid things people write about their children on Facebook, there's a good site to go on. It's http://stfuparents.tumblr.com/.